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Ayilurism - The Philosophies, Ideologies and Beliefs

The thought process emanates from the experience. Experience comes from effort, exposure, failure, success, learning and analysis. Application is a synthesis of thought and experience. Sagacity reflects the thought. Sapience helps dealing with situations.  

Here you will find the words of wisdom garnered over a period of time from life - of self and others - entailed to serve as admonishers or inciters. These cerebrations are sheerly out of experience and observance. 


Clarity of thought is a basic necessity for the right action.

A confused mind misguides, leads to incorrect decisions and actions.

Think and gain clarity to act. Identify own strengths and weaknesses, evaluate what can be gained and lost.

Repentance doesn't help; learning helps but.

Be clear on ambitions, objectives and the path.

Trust those who offer support.

Learn from everything.

Good or bad is decided later.

The most precious lessons are from life. Keep eyes open, be ready with all senses, to learn from everywhere and from all that comes across.

Learn with right perspective and apply the learnings wisely, appropriate to the context.

Be mindful of the goals set.

Don't ignore anything, never know what's going to help and when..!

Key to success is effective communication.

Communicate for clarity, action, solution, relationship and, success.

Communicate at the right time, in the right manner (apt verbose, gestures, expressions, body language), with the relevant content, with the right attitude, through the most appropriate means, by understanding the other person(s), making it bidirectional.

Communication must foster better understanding.

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Your views?
Wish to hear from you...

Believe and Visualize…

Belief is the basis for achievement..

Visualize what you need / want to achieve or where you want to be.

Put in all sensible efforts to achieve what you want/need to and what has been visualized.

Be mindful of the path you take.

Don't ignore the power of belief and visualization..!

Anything is difficult until you DO it.

Have the mindset to do things.

Procrastination leads to many issues. Prioritize matters of significance.

A start, with the goal in mind, helps.

Visualize the end state and, the joy. 

Gain and feel the urge to DO things.

Never ignore the power of Doing it Now..!

Enjoy what you do.

Do the best you can.

Do it with passion to make it effective. 

Cast heart and soul while doing anything. Reflect your attitude in the outcome.

Learn to enjoy compulsions; they are not bad.

Never ignore the power of loving what you do..!

Right connections (relationships) are important in life.

Evaluate who you connect with.

No one connects with anyone without a reason. 

Right connections make you succeed.

Connections are NOT one sided.

Evaluate the connections for their worth.

Never ignore the risk of becoming selfish in relationships..!

Ayilurism - Profound Thoughts....

Focus on quality time.

Its not about how much time you spend on something, its just about how well you spend it.

Focus on creating impact with the time you spend. 

Quantity of time doesn’t matter, its the effectiveness of it that matters.

Ensure the time you spend is bringing in clarity on the intent.

Spend the time for right interactions. Make it worthwhile for both parties.

Don’t ignore the fact that quality time spent brings in lot of joy and satisfaction.

Be thankful, for everything that you have.

You never know whose prayer for you is heard.

Being thankful is an acknowledgement of what you received. 

Expression of gratitude raises your value and enhances your personality.

Being thankful doesn’t make you inferior but exhibits your humility.

Thankfulness leads to contentment.

Don’t ignore the fact that thankfulness is a reflection of your integrity and values.

Ayilur Ramnath

Mentor, Coach, Researcher, Author & Speaker

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